Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania


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Democratic Labour Party of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos demokratinė darbo partija or LDDP) was a social democratic political party in Lithuania, that emerged out of the Lithuanian section of the CPSU in December 1989[1] LDDP was led by Algirdas Brazauskas, the first president of independent Lithuania. Because Brazauskas was elected as the first president, he was required to stop his activities in any parties. Adolfas Šleževičius became the party leader and the Prime Minister. After Šleževičius was charged with corruption, he was replaced by Česlovas Juršėnas.

The LDDP won the 1992 parliamentary elections, gaining 43% of the vote giving it 73 seats in the Seimas.[2] In 1996 Seimas elections, LDDP got about 9.5% of the votes and won 10 seats in the parliament. In 2000 elections LDDP formed a coalition with other three parties named after Algirdas Brazauskas and won majority of the votes. In 2001, LDDP merged with the Lithuanian Social-Democratic Party to form the Social Democratic Party of Lithuania (Lithuanian: Lietuvos socialdemokratų partija). The youth organization of LDDP was called Lithuanian Labourist Youth Union (Lietuvos leboristų jaunimo unija).

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